Minggu, 14 Juli 2013

Me and You

I might have erased your text, but I will never forget what you wrote.
I may never see you again, but I will never forget your pics.
We might have stopped talking, but I will never forget your voice.
I will never forget our Love, I will never forget you.

Selasa, 02 Juli 2013


When a very sweet and close person goes too far from us
We may say or not say
But our heart says to their heart

my heart's content

If I live for one day. I waited so long. I've hurt so much. As much as the traces left by past. I've longed for you. Tired footsteps has brought me to your side. Though I know, there's nothing I can do. Saying I love u. Are words my heart always shouted. Saying I love u. Are words I repeated behind u. Saying I love u. Are words I can't say, afraid you run away. I love u. So much that I'm afraid. Loving u. Like a star in the night sky. Always visible. But unable to be approached or touch. That must be my fate, just watch over u. Waiting for you everyday, foolish looking forward for it. I harbor hopes that have grown.